Mole Valley crime stats for whole of 2017 show the most and least dangerous areas to live

Mole Valley crime stats for whole of 2017 show the most and least dangerous areas to live

Crime statistics have been released for the whole of 2017 – which give a detailed guide to how safe each area of Mole Valley is .

They reveal which are the most and least crime-ridden areas of the district.

Figures recorded by Surrey Police – available from – show that 6,083 crimes were reported in the district in 2017 with these offences being broken down by each of the eight policing areas and by the types of crimes committed.

We have ranked Mole Valley’s policing areas in order of the number of crimes recorded, with a more detailed breakdown for the types of crime committed for each.

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1. Dorking Town – 1,163

Dorking High Street

For all eight policing areas, the same two types of crime were the most prevalent in 2017. These are anti-social behaviour and violent or sexual crimes.

In Dorking Town, 332 reports of anti-social behaviour were made, and 246 violent or sexual crimes were reported.

The third most reported crime was criminal damage or arson, which made up 97 of the 1,163 total crimes.

2. Dorking Rural East – 946

The Charlwood village sign

Of the 946 crimes reported in the Dorking Rural East policing area, which includes Betchworth, Brockham, Headley, Newdigate and Charlwood, 229 were anti-social behaviour reports, and 177 were violent or sexual crimes.

There were 99 burglaries reported, accounting for more than 10% of all crimes in 2017.

3. Bookham and Fetcham – 934

St Mary's Church in Fetcham
St Mary’s Church in Fetcham

Around 30% of the crimes reported in Bookham and Fetcham in 2017 were anti-social behaviour. There were 278 separate incidents reported to police.

Exactly 200 reports of violent or sexual crimes were made, as well as 74 burglaries.

The number of burglaries often corresponds with the amount of residential properties in an area so it’s perhaps unsurprising that these heavily residential areas had a high number.

4. South Leatherhead – 735

Leatherhead town centre with a view to Barton’s Bookshop in Bridge Street

South Leatherhead, which includes the town centre, pipped its northern counterpart to fourth position in our list, with 735 total crimes reported in 2017.

Of these reports, 196 were for anti-social behaviour, and 151 were for violent or sexual offences.

A bad year for cyclists too, as 16 reports of bicycle theft were also made.

5. North Leatherhead – 656

Woodlands Road, Leatherhead
Woodlands Road, Leatherhead

For the first time in the list, anti-social behaviour is beaten to the top spot by violent and sexual crimes, of which 148 were committed.

There were 143 anti-social behaviour reports made, and just behind on 123 reports was the ‘other thefts’ category. This excludes robbery, burglary and shoplifting, which have their own categories.

6. Dorking Rural West – 640

The village signpost at Abinger Hammer

But back in at number one for Dorking Rural West is anti-social behaviour with 184 separate cases reported in 2017. It just pipped violent or sexual crimes, which saw 182 cases reported to police.

But it’s a good place to be if you don’t want to be robbed, as not a single robbery was reported in the area all year.

The policing ward includes Ockley, Coldharbour, Capel and the Abingers.

7. Ashtead – 610

Police carrying out checks in Ashtead

Ashtead claims seventh place in our list, and the second safest statistically, with a total of 610 crimes reported in 2017.

Of those, 169 were anti-social behaviour, and 148 were violent or sexual crimes. Criminal damage and arson contributed 60 reports.

8. Goodwyns, Chart Downs & North Holmwood – 399

The village pond at North Holmwood

Probably not surprisingly given the size of this policing area, Goodwyns, Chart Downs & North Holmwood is bottom of the list with just 399 crimes reported in 2017; just over one per day.

Having said that, over a third of all the crimes reported were violent or sexual crimes, which contributed 136 reports to the full list.

There were 95 reports made for anti-social behaviour, but on the bright side, there was not a single report of theft from a person all year.

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