Wild peacock seen wandering around Horley

Wild peacock seen wandering around Horley

A rogue peacock has been spotted roaming the residential streets of Horley this week.

The big bird was seen wandering around Langshott Wood in streets near the Manor on Wednesday (July 18) – but it apparently doesn’t belong to Langshott Manor.

The peacock has also been seen wandering over the playing fields in Court Lodge.

Concerned residents called the RSPB and Swans and Friends Bird Rescue were also made aware of the situation.

John Potts, from Swans and Friends Bird Rescue in Crawley, said: “The RSPB is now classing peacocks as wild birds so it’s hard to tell where to go with it.

More animals in Surrey

“If you’ve got one in or around your house then get some ear plugs because they make a lot of noise in the mornings.

“They will also eat your nice plants – they’re they’re pretty much like big chickens and they’ll eat anything that comes along.

A wild peacock chase

“Peacocks could end up anywhere . It took us weeks to catch the ones we had in Crawley last month because they kept flying to the top of a tree and would sit there just looking at you.

“A wild goose chase is one thing but a wild peacock chase is another.

“One we tried to catch kept flying from roof to roof and I just couldn’t keep up with it because I can’t fly.

“If you do get hold of one you’ve got to hang on like hell.

“They’ve got a spur on the back of their foot and they’ll rip you to bits if you’re not careful – they’re quite vicious birds.”

How to catch a peacock on the loose

According to Bird Trader , the way to catch a peacock is to place grain, worms or bird feed in a cage and leave the door open.

Approach it whilst walking towards the confined space containing the cage and food.

Use a net – or friend! – to try to herd the bird and control where it moves.

Steer it into the cage and shut the door.

Article courtesy of Get Surrey